Customs Notice 24-15 (Preparing for CARM Release 2 Implementation, Transition Measures)

This notice provides important information about the transition measures put in place by the CBSA to ensure continued border fluidity and timely submission of accounting and payment of duties after the May 13 CARM Release 2 implementation.

This notice is available in its entirety on the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) website.

Customs Notice 24-15: Preparing for CARM Release 2 Implementation, Transition Measures

Release Prior to Payment (RPP)

When CARM becomes the official system of record on May 13, 2024, obtaining the release of imported goods prior to accounting and payment of duties will change for importers. They will no longer be able to use a broker’s RPP security to obtain the release of imported goods before paying duties. Importers who want to obtain the release of imported goods prior to the payment of duties will be required to post their own financial security through the CARM Client Portal.

Use of Broker Business Number (BN15) – Commercial Goods

For a 12-month transition period, the use of broker BN15 will be allowed under specific scenarios.

Use of Broker BN15 – Non Commercial (Casual) Goods

Current policy permitting the use of broker BN15 and RPP to obtain release and to account for non-commercial goods cleared through the commercial stream will be maintained. This policy will be maintained beyond the 12-month transition period after May 13, 2024.

Use of Broker BN15 – Other Business and Operational Processes

The CBSA will continue to allow use of broker BN15 for the temporary importation of trade show and convention goods for both release and accounting on behalf of Importers. This policy will be maintained beyond the 12-month transition period after May 13, 2024.

Coming into Force of the Importer of Record Amendments

The legislative amendments to Section 17 of the Customs Act are not yet in force, but will come into effect on a day or days to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council (GIC).

The amendments under Section 17 of the Customs Act are worded in such a way that that they will come into force, and subsequently enforced, on a day to be fixed by order of the Governor in Council. This date is yet to be determined. If you are an entity that becomes subject to Section 17, solely due to these amendments, your liability will begin on the date the Section 17 amendments come into force.

Concerns and questions about the transition measures can be directed to the CBSA at the following