CFIA now posting alerts when an import system is under maintenance or out of service

The following is provided by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.

In the past, an email would be sent to Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) regulated clients when a CFIA import system was under maintenance or out of service.  In an effort to continuously improve the line of communication between industry and the Agency, the CFIA will now also be posting maintenance and outage notices as an alert online.

When an import system is under maintenance or out of service, the following web pages will have a notice at the top of the page:

It is also worth noting that these web pages can now be accessed using the following vanity URLs:

The CFIA will continue to send updates as more content that supports importers is posted online.  In the meantime, if you have suggestions for guidance on declaring CFIA regulated imports to the CBSA, please email ideas to: